Electric heating for the revitalization of industrial buildings

In the year 2005, a decision about the revitalization of the original CENTROTEX warehouse building was made. The building, with a reinforced concrete construction, was built in 1986 and was used as a central warehouse for textile products until 2003. The original cost of the heating (steam supply system connected to a central boiler room) were approximately 2 500 thousand CZK/year.
The reinforced concrete industrial building with sanitary and administrative facilities has a total surface area of 5 700 m²; the total heated area is 3900 m². The building was revitalized in the year 2005 and is used for production and storage purposes. The building was provided with heat-saving cladding and new fillings and openings were inserted. With regards to the excess heat from the machines in use there, the necessary air conditioning was equipped with a recuperation system and the excess heat is partially used also for the heating of the building in the winter season. The calculated heat loss is 374 kW and is covered by the excess and the installed ECOSUN radiant electric heating.
The total operational costs, and the cost of heating in particular, were a pleasant surprise in 2007:
Total consumption of electric energy: | 803 489 kWh |
Out of this, on heating: | 174 326 kWh |
The total cost of electric energy: | 1 866 544 CZK |
Out of this, on heating: | 395 417 CZK |
Heated area: | 3 900 m² |
Heat loss: | 374 kW |
Specific heat loss: | 96 W/m² |
Consumption of energy for heating: | |
Consumption of energy per m²: | 103,3 W/m² |
0,36 GJ/m² | |
Cost of heating per m² | 101,4 CZK/m² |
Heating system: | Recuperation and use of heat radiated from mechanical sources, and ECOSUN radiant panels. Controlled using central BMR regulation, complemented by monitoring of the agreed ¼ hour maximum. |