Family home in Velká Bystřice near Olomouc

A two-storey family home in Velká Bystřice near Olomouc has been occupied by a family with two small children since 2018. The size of the house is above-standard, featuring 258.6 m2 of useable area - including a heated garage. The living area is completely heated using electric underfloor heating.
Basic information about the building
It is a two-storey family home without a basement; the living quarters have a total floor area of 197.8 m2. The ground floor is dominated by a large living room with a dining area, which is connected to the kitchen. There is also a separate room, a study and a bathroom on the ground floor. On the first floor, there is a bedroom, children´s rooms and a second bathroom. There are floating floors throughout the house and ceramic tiling in the WC. The adjacent spacious double garage, which also serves as a workroom, has an area of 60 m2.
- Built-on area 198,4 m2
- Heated area (incl. garage) 258,6 m2
- Living area 197,8 m2
- Main circuit breaker 3x 25 A
- House tariff D 57D
Heating and regulation system
Electric underfloor heating using ECOFLOOR heating cables was chosen for the heating of the whole house, controlled by BMR central regulation. Hot water is heated in a 200 dm3 central storage heater with a 2.2 kW heating element. In the future, electric ladder radiators will be installed in the bathrooms as towel and bath towel dryers. The garage is heated by two ECOSUN 600 W ceiling panels.
- Heat loss from the living area 7,6 kW
- Underfloor heating wattage 11,3 kW
- Heat loss from the garage 2,3 kW
- Wattage of the ceiling panels 1,2 kW
- Wood-burning stove in the living room 4 kW
The wattage of the underfloor heating in the living area is, relatively speaking, significantly higher than one would expect in the light of the calculated heat losses. The reason was the user´s requirement that underfloor heating be installed across the entire floor area so that the floor can be heated evenly. The overdimensioned floor heating is thus characterized by better dynamics, yet it has no negative effects. The accurate BMR central regulation system controls the temperature in each room with high accuracy so there is no unnecessary waste of energy.
In contrast, only two ceiling panels were installed in the garage, so only about 50% of the calculated losses were covered. This appears to be sufficient for the user, even after the first heating season, but the possibility of adding 1-2 more exists if needed.
The value of the main circuit breaker, 3 x 25 A, is also remarkable. It was mainly achieved thanks to the careful distribution of load in the individual phases. As a result, the originally planned BMR HJ 306RX current limiter was not installed in the end.
Acquisition and operating costs
The material costs of the heating equipment and central regulation system amounted to 82.2 thousand CZK, excluding VAT. The user carried out the installation of the heating largely on his own, but the price of the installation can be estimated at approximately 40-50 thousand CZK. In the case of a "turnkey" order, the price of the whole heating system, including the regulation system, would be approximately 130 thousand CZK, excluding VAT.
In the living room on the ground floor, i.e. the largest room in the whole house, there is a built-in wood-burning stove with a wattage of 4kW. There are no distribution systems to convey the warm air to other rooms. As the user says, the stove is used only sporadically, in the range of "1-2 briquettes for an evening, just to create a pleasant atmosphere". They estimated that they spent 1000 CZK on wooden briquettes during the 2020/2021 heating season.
The electricity costs listed in the table below thus include not only heating, but also water heating, lighting and the operation of all household appliances. The cost of the wooden briquettes mentioned above is not included. The house began to be used in October 2018, but due to the finishing work that was still taking place at the time, the direct-heating tariff was not allocated until February 2019. For more than half of the heating season, the electricity was charged at a high tariff. In the following billing period, which already took place with the D57 tariff, the consumption at the high tariff dropped dramatically and transferred to the low tariff (LT).
Period | Consumption | CZK including VAT | |
HT (kWh) | LT (kWh) | ||
10/2018 - 10/2019 | 4 183 | 4 926 | 39 624,- |
10/2019 - 10/2020 | 8 444 | 406 | 30 996,- |
10/2020 - 10/2021 | 9 938 | 489 | 35 560,- |
10/2021 - 10/2022 | 7 328 | 418 | 28 410,- |