Family House Kalvodova in Jeseník

A family two-story house after a complete renovation.
Family House Kalvodova in Jeseník
Monthly consumption in 2023 (kWh)
Monthly PV production in 2023 (kWh)
Example of system behavior on a sunny day

The annual electricity consumption is approximately 12 MWh. Heating is provided by the FENIX electric direct heating system, with the highest electricity consumption during the heating season. Hot water heating is realized by an electric boiler with an integrated heat pump. Additionally, a wood fireplace is used.

In the fall of 2022, a photovoltaic power plant with a capacity of 99 kWp was installed on the south-facing roof and adjacent shelter. The PV system was supplemented with a home battery storage HES with a total battery capacity of 411 kWh.

Since June 2023, the supply and purchase of electricity have been carried out under a spot pricing regime. From this month, detailed monthly statements are available. Within the HES home storage, a control algorithm function has been launched, which creates a plan for the behavior of the photovoltaic system based on the prediction of sunlight, consumption prediction, and spot electricity prices for the next day. It then controls the system to achieve the best economic result.

Example of system behavior on a sunny day – the PV production is accumulated in the batteries throughout the day, and targeted supply to the grid occurs in the evening hours when the spot price of electricity is highest.

In the monitored period 06/2023 – 12/2023, an average price of 0.85 CZK/kWh was achieved, including all fees.

Detailed Monthly Operational Results

Period Total
Supply to
Draw Cost
Supply Income
06/2023 435 215 1 084 864 1 560 2 219 -659 -1,5
07/2023 287 252 1 144 1 109 1 345 2 425 - 1 080 -3,7
08/2023 359 348 919 908 1 531 2 342 -811 -2,2
09/2023 425 352 1 018 945 1 515 3 121 -1 606 -3,7
10/2023 642 570 581 509 2 126 1 565 561 0,87
11/2023 1 226 1 097 280 151 3 865 435 3 429 2,8
12/2023 1 739 1 622 230 113 4 662 181 4 481 2,6
Total 5 113 4 456 5 256 4 599 16 604 12 288 4 316 0,85


The monthly results for 2024 so far confirm the very good performance of the system:

Period Total
Supply to
Draw Cost
Supply Income
01/2024 2 111 1 816 328 33 8 493 47 8 446 4,0
02/2024 1 157 794 402 39 3 638 67 3 571 3,1
03/2024 1 134 493 763 122 2 574 131 2 443 2,1
04/2024 706 190 914 398 1 303 722 581 0,8
05/2024 498 169 1 051 722 1 168 1 529 -361 -0,7
06/2024 439 155 1 022 738 1 297 1 955 -658 -1,5
07/2024 371 155 1 092 876 1 232 2 159 -927 -2,5
08/2024 386 176 1 060 850 1 407 2 674 -1 267 -3,28
09/2024 485 252 830 597 1 630 1 742 -112 -0,23
10/2024 850 408 669 227 2 342 770 1 572 1,85
11/2024 1 782 1 398 459 77 8 411 634 7 777 4,36
12/2024 1 974 1 727 300 53 8 047 378 7 669 3,89
Celkem 11 893 7 733 8 890 4 655 41 542 12 808 28 734 2,42

Prices include VAT.
