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The convector is equipped with a digital thermostat with Wifi connection.
The basic line of direct-heating convection heaters has a control unit with three pre-set modes (Comfort, Eco, Timer) and one program mode to create individual weekly program. The convection heater has the function of „Open Window Detection“, control lock or temperature sensor calibration.
Wireless room thermostat with 1-week programming – intended for the control of electric heating (floor or ceiling heating, radiant panels, convection heaters) which it switches on/off via V23/25 receivers (max. 4 per V22 unit, only one of which is furnished with a floor probe).
Portable convection heater with an option to grade output to 750, 1250 and 2000 W and with a separately switched ventilator to increase dynamics. The heater is not designed for permanent operation, that is why the portable convention heater cannot be used as a main source of heating.