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You can find the FENIX exhibit in Hall No. 1, Sector B, Stand No. 10.
From 17 to 21 September the international construction fair FOR ARCH will take place at the PVA Letňany exhibition centre in Prague. Please accept our invitation and download your free e-ticket. You can find our stand in Hall 1, Stand B 10.
International Building Trade Fair FOR ARCH 2022
The 33rd edition of the FOR ARCH international construction trade fair will take place on 20-24 September 2022 at the PVA Letňany EXPO Prague exhibition center. Please accept our invitation and get a free ticket. You can find our exhibition in hall 5, stand D 07.
The foil on the MH (ModuleHeating) module has a wattage of 65 W (surface wattage of 140 W/ m2) and is fitted with a connection cable with a plug
In October 2019 we launched a new modular ceiling heating system with ECOFILM heating foil in the Czech Republic. The system is not only very easy to install but also requires no qualified electrical installation work except for the final connection.
ECOFILM heating foils for underfloor heating
As in other areas of human activity, ever changing trends marking the popularity of various systems can be observed in heating of buildings. New knowledge and technologies may thus bring systems that were considered obsolete until recently to the forefront yet again.
Results of the 1st stage of the measurement of efficiency, energy consumption and indoor environment quality produced by various heating systems. Research carried out at the UCEEB laboratories (at the University Centre for Energy Efficient Buildings at the Czech Technical University in Prague)

Buildings as active elements of the energy system

Product catalogue for download in PDF
