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FENIX would like to inform you about very interesting new report realized by renowned institute UCEEB / ČVUT - Czech Technical University in Prague. Surprising positive summary: Electric underfloor heating: Proportion of the radiant heat flux to electric input: cca 77 % (more info on page 8). Electric ceiling radiant heating: Proportion of the radiant heat flux to electric input: cca 84 % (more on page 10).
Heating foils are a modern, very efficient and economical form of heating, suitable particularly for the heating of LEH (low-energy houses). However, unbranded products are appearing on the market offered by unspecialized retailers for applications which are prohibited by valid standards.
Ultratherm heating films and strips
Ultratherm heating foils and strips are also suitable as a 24 hour source of warmth, and they can be used under the bottom or outer walls of terrariums/vivariums.
Question: I found a confirmation from the producer on your web pages that floating floors can be combined with ECOFILM heating foils without a loss of warranty. However, the installation firm doesn't want to...
ECOFILM MHF – Mirror fogging prevention
Heating foil which protects bathroom mirrors from misting. The foils have double lamination (protection against the damp environment) and they are equipped with a self-adhesive surface which is glued to the rear side of the mirror.
ECOFILM C – Ceiling heating film
ECOFILM C ceiling foils are intended for use in plasterboard structures as ceiling-mounted radiant heating.
Underfloor heating film ECOFILM F
ECOFILM heating foils are intended for use as floor heating for dry structures - under floating floors or with the use of supplementary HEAT-PAK underlays under PVC and carpets.
One of the clearest ways of explaining the installation methods for individual heating systems is via instruction videos.
It has been generally accepted for several years that we as a country cannot continue for the purpose of heating our homes, to use energy at our current rate of consumption whether this be gas, oil or electricity.

Buildings as active elements of the energy system

Product catalogue for download in PDF
